Close Protection Security: What is it and why is it important?

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Close Protection Security

You might hear the term ‘close protection’ thrown around in the security industry, and we are here to explain exactly what that means. At Herongrange Group, our close protection security solution is one of our many bespoke offerings that provides security to individuals. We are experts in all things close protection, and it is widely understood to be an essential security service for celebrities, VIPs and those in the public eye. What, though, is close protection and why is it so important?

Close protection security is extremely specialised, with the care and protection of individuals being the ultimate priority for a close protection officer. The role of a close protection officer is to be on hand during events, times of significance, and even daily (dependant on the client and their status) and keep a watchful eye on surroundings whilst protecting the individual from the public and any potential threats.

Confidence in our Expertise

An officer in close protection will accompany their client, within close proximity, to guide them through crowds safely, assist with travel between locations, and escort them through public spaces. Close protection will be on hand to de-escalate potentially dangerous situations, be alert to threats, and provide a comforting presence for the celebrity. Being a close protection officer takes more skill than just brute force. The service is a very personal solution, and at Herongrange we value the importance of the client’s well-being. Close security that ignores the human side of the job can result in the client feeling stressed and isolated. Instead, Herongrange prioritises the security of the individual but creates a relaxed environment for them to continue their day with minimal disruption. Our close protection officers are professional and discreet, allowing an environment as close to normality as possible.

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Who Needs Close Protection?

The real question is, who might need close protection security? This service is not meant for anyone, it is a security solution specifically for those most vulnerable to crowds and the public. Our service is catered towards celebrities and public figures. A regular person might not understand the pressure and the fear that can come with being exposed to mass crowds, or even the stress of being approached consistently by strangers whose motives and intentions are unknown. This is the reality for celebrities, however, and the problem gets worse during moments of specific importance. For example, music artists on tour, TV presenters during filming, or famous meet and greet events. During these specific occurrences, amongst many more, the public is often aware of where celebrities are, meaning crowds develop and can often get out of hand. Worse still, pre-meditated attacks could occur if the locations of celebrities are known. Therefore, it is vital that close protection security is provided in order to keep people safe.

In the modern age, there is no ignoring the risks that can present themselves where celebrities go. This is due to the mass crowds that can congregate as a result. Criminals and terrorists will often target events and situations where people are gathered. With VIPs often attending and hosting these events, they are more at risk than most. Having a close protection security solution present to minimise the threat to individuals is one of the most secure ways to protect celebrities when out in the public. At Herongrange our team of officers are highly trained, with a breadth of experience working in a plethora of different sectors including film, TV, radio and the music industry in some very extreme locations. With this quality of expertise, Herongrange is proud to minimise risks for all our clients and be a part of the solution to the unlawful and destructive incidents that can occur.

Close Protection Security

Why Choose Herongrange?

Choosing Herongrange to conduct the utmost professional close protection security service will utilise the skills of experts well-versed in this sector. No two assignments are the same, so bespoke solutions are created to meet the needs of the client. Discussions to understand the specifics of individual jobs should be the priority before any teams are deployed. Herongrange make the initial conversations open and honest, we aim to get a deep understanding of what will help the client, when and where are teams will be needed, and any ways in which we can make individuals more comfortable. We will do whatever it takes to ensure the safety of your people, property and assets, including top quality services in close protection.

Our Bespoke Security Team

Our Bespoke Security Team know that no two assignments are ever the same and each has its own unique challenges. We take the time to understand your problems and requirements, before offering a solution that will meet your specific needs.

We will do whatever it takes to ensure the safety of your people, property and assets. From event management to VIP transport and celebrity close protection, our bespoke security team have the specialist skills and comprehensive resources to meet your demands ongoing.

Get in Touch

We’d love to hear from you. If you have any questions about our services or would like some free advice regarding your site security, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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