Case Study: Will and Ralf Celebrity Tour

October 22, 2024

Celebrities Will Mellor and Ralf Little recently had a successful UK tour of their production, ‘Two Pints Live’, a live podcasting show. Will and Ralf needed security to see them to and from locations safely, as well as to ensure performances were secure and could take place without threat.

Herongrange Group was entrusted with the protection of Will and Ralf on tour, to deliver quality security solutions that both created a relaxed and comfortable environment for the two men, but also prioritised their safety along the way. This included Close Protection and Executive Transport, to see the duo protected between locations and during their shows.

Key elements of the solutions Herongrange Close Protection Officers provided, included:

“Thank you for everything you’ve done the last few weeks. Above and beyond on every level. I have never in my 25 year career travelled in such style, been so well looked after, and all by such top guys. Thanks again and hope to see you down the line. Cheers.”

Ralf Little

During ‘Two Pints Live’, Will and Ralf moved between locations frequently, not just cities and towns, but short distances between their hotels and tour venues. During consistent moving of locations, celebrities can be easily recognised by the public, making them vulnerable to harassment and intimidation. Herongrange’s Close Protection Officers stayed on hand to, not only accompany the comedians in their travelling but, also guide the men through buildings and between venues. Herongrange also assessed the threats of each venue, creating a bespoke security plan for each location to ensure the safety of the comedians was optimised for every tour stop. As the comedy show took place, the Close Protection Officers remained close by, ready to intervene if a security problem was to arise.


Thanks to the Close Protection Herongrange provided, and the use of quality transport, the tour ran according to plan. The presence of Close Protection Officers not only acted as a deterrent but allowed a physical barrier to be placed between Will, Ralf and the public when needed.

At each venue, the Herongrange Close Protection Officers conducted the security plan that had been prepared for each individual location, and the celebrity duo were briefed of the plans to ensure they knew the safety procedures to mitigate risk. Close Protection before, during and after the shows was key at each tour stop. This included assistance from vehicles, through crowds and into buildings, and the presence of officers nearby as the two performers took to the stage. The Executive Transport Herongrange provided was another crucial element of the protection of Will and Ralf, with tinted windows to avoid recognition from fans whilst on the road, and plenty of space to keep the pair comfortable when travelling.

“Don’t know what we would have done without you guys!!! You went above and beyond for us! Complete luxury and professionalism!! Thank you for everything and hoped to work with you again.”

Will Mellor

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As well as protecting Will and Ralf, Herongrange Close Protection Officers also kept a watchful eye on the audience to ensure nobody was filming the sketches and leaking content, which could potentially result in spooling the upcoming shows for other fans. This was particularly important to Will and Ralf and their tour organisers, Europa Concerts. Herongrange are pleased that nothing was filmed or leaked from any of their 17 shows – this was no mean feat and wasn’t without its challenges in large, packed venues!

The outcome of the tour was a resounding success. The comedy pair delivered a stellar performance every night, and were able to do so, thanks to the relaxed atmosphere created by Herongrange Close Protection Officers.

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