Employee of the Month

The winner of November Employee of the Month was Alex Cousins.

Nominated by Jon Smart, Regional Operations Manager, Jon says “Since joining Herongrange Alex has shown exemplary professionalism and has gained praise from our clients XDP Stockport and Electrium. Alex has picked up extra shifts where needed and has never uttered the word “no” to any of the Operations team or our clients. Alex was thrown in the deep end at Electrium working the hardest shift of the week gaining the praise of the client with his workmanship and professionalism.”

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CCTV Cameras

Secure Your Premises: A Guide to CCTV Cameras for Businesses

CCTV cameras for businesses can be installed to prevent crime, monitor abnormalities, or gather evidence that you might need later down the line. Instilling confidence for all stakeholders of your company is vital in running effectively, therefore prioritising safety can create a domino effect for the success of your business.